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Master of Science Research Projects

           Keywords : Biofluid Mechanics, Microcirculation, Biomimetic systems, Transport in Porous Media, Advection/Diffusion

           Academic supervisors : Sylvie Lorthois, Directeur de Recherches and Yohan Davit, Chargé de Recherches CNRS (IMFT).

           Keywords : Biofluid Mechanics, Microcirculation, Bio-adhésion, Networks, Pore-Network Modeling

           Academic supervisors : Sylvie Lorthois, Directeur de Recherches and Yohan Davit, Chargé de Recherches CNRS (IMFT).

           Keywords : Biofluid Mechanics, Microcirculation, Vascular morphogenesis and remodelling, Capillary networks

           Academic supervisors : Amy Smith, Post-doc CNRS (IMFT) and Sylvie Lorthois, Directeur de Recherche CNRS (IMFT).

Other opportunities

Several PhD and/or Post-doc positions will be opened in the future. We are looking for open-minded and talented post-docs and students :

  • with demonstrated motivation for work at the interface between disciplines,
  • with background in Bio-mechanics, Physics, Fluid-Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, or related disciplines.

Please feel free to contact us if you are looking for a position in the future. Please send your CV, copies of recent transcripts (if you are looking for a PhD position), a statement of your future career goals, and the names and email addresses of two references to Sylvie Lorthois (lorthois @